Version 3.0

9 Feb 2024

The purpose of our privacy policy

Our privacy policy describes what data we might collect when you use our services, when we might collect it and what we use it for. It describes where your data gets stored and for how long. It lists whenever third parties are involved in the fulfilment of any of our services and what we pass on to them when carrying those out.

We follow the data protection principles of the UK’s Data Protection Act 2018, which is an implementation of the General Data Protection Regulation (GDPR) and we recognise ourselves as a data controller under that regulation. This means we decide on what data we need to collect and process, and we have obligations to look after it in a responsible way. The website has more information on the Data Protection Act and GDPR.

You should read our privacy policy to:

Data we collect through the Prosper app

When you create an account with us, we collect:

These are used whenever we contact you, such as when updating you to let you know important information, or when sending you quarterly and annual statements.

When you set up a Prosper Personal Pension, ISA or other account, we collect: