Who we are

ForMore is on a mission to revolutionise how we save for the long term. We believe that legacy solutions to this problem are expensive, the language often complex, the charges obfuscated, and the digital experiences dated and clumsy. New solutions to long-term saving tend to be focused on the first-time investor and heavily biased toward trading, as opposed to saving for the long term. We will not serve the next generation of savers by getting them hooked on RobinHood. We need better software to help consumers achieve their life goals, not be sold financial products. If you feel the same way, this is your place.


The ForMore team is working hard on an initial beta launch later this year. We have designed multiple user-journeys that we are iteratively testing and building.

Unfortunately, when you search ForMore on the internet…


As you can see, we need some help here đŸ˜³

We believe in our vision and have no shortage of opinions and things we want to say.

We lack the craft and the focus to get our voice out there.

We have two primary goals for this role:

  1. Employee engagement - Amplify our internal vision and beliefs across social channels, positioning ForMore as a credible and fulfilling place of employment
  2. Customer engagement - Engage a cohort of early adopters who are looking for the solution we are building and build a waitlist of our first customers motivated by our vision

The Challenge

Financial services, particularly savings and investment, can be a noisy space. ForMore is built around the core belief that we do not get value for money when it comes to fees. We need to be laser-focused regarding how we communicate on social channels. Otherwise, we risk going too broad and standing for nothing.

To successfully communicate with followers, anyone posting content needs to be intimately familiar with our company's brand, domain and values. You will need to get under the skin of ForMore as a business so that you can identify if an emerging topic or trend is relevant to ForMore or not.

Regulation plays a significant role in what can and cannot be said. Our regulatory partner will need to sign off on all the copy as part of compliance. This should not be seen as a limiting factor but rather as a challenge to think creatively and differently.


We have strong brand documentation at ForMore, including initial tone of voice guidelines across emotion-led, service-led, and instructional-led comms. These are great in principle but have never been put to the test.

We want you to use this documentation for what it is, a guide. We are looking for someone to put them to the test, stretch them, try them out for real, and iterate them where required.

We have a very active slack channel within the company. This is a great source of content that we believe in and some that we vehemently disagree with. The #goodreads, #knowledgeshare, and #behavioural-economics channels on slack will be a great starting point for you to align yourself with ForMore as a business and a product.